Travel & Leisure

Prince Maurice: The Price of Love

For the past 5 years, it has become a major event for the prices of litteratures. Meanwhile the  Prince Maurice Award of Love Novel is nearly over, the laureate will certainely speak the language of love...

Love under tropics

Mauritius Island
 : we could not have imagined a better place to celebrate the love novel of the year. Land of inspiration of one of the most beautiful and tragic love story ever written (Paul et Virginie, remember...), The turquoise island welcomes for the 5th successive year, at Prince MauriceThe Award of Love Novel. A very ambitious selection, a renowned jury, directed by Daniel Picouly and, last but not least, a heavenly place : we might say that all ingredients are here to create a sensation

And the nominees are...

At the end of a long-lasting delibération of the french-mauritians members of the jury, they have decided:  The Award of Love Novel 2007 goes to either Fariba Haachtroudi for her barefaced "J'ai épousé Johnny à Notre Dame de Sion" (Seuil), or to the drama of LaurenceTardieu, "Puisque rien ne dure" (Stock), or to the auto fiction of Camille Laurens, "Ni toi ni moi" (P.O.L) which does not include the last neither Christine Angot nor Nancy Huston.
To whom who cannot wait until the week of litterature exchange in May, at the Constance Le Prince Maurice (to discover the award winner), we might suggest to read (one more time) Bernardin de Saint-Pierre...

Juillet 2007
Le Prince Maurice
The Award of Love Novel 2007