Marianne Guedin, crazy shapes!
Rounds, aerials, unevenness, Marianne Guedin imaginates crazy vases from another planet. A tribute to magic, transparency and light for this daily item only reduced to its practical use.
A touch of lunacy
There is something both crazy and poetic in Marianne Guedin'screations. A unique way to work glass, play on transparency and thousands of colours, and irregularities. The Sommet du Luxe did not miss out, and had given her the price of Talent de l'Harmonie 2006-2007, proof that these organic and acrobatic shapes have set the style.
Her muse? Water!
Steam, blur, carom, clouds, drops... the universe of inspiration of Marianne Guedin is well liquid. Add to this the strangeness, supernatural and passion so you can understand the process of her creations. Goulue, Kasper, Embrasse-moi Roméo, Les Ronds dans l'eau are the amazing stilts, as crazy as their names. We just fall...