
Luxury, according to Alain-Dominique Perrin

Barely scratch the surface when it comes to Les Must de Cartier, La Fondation Cartier, Ecole des Dirigeants et Createurs D'Entreprises (University for Leaders and Entrepreneurs), and you will find Alain-Dominique Perrin. Dedicated hedonist and wine connoisseur, in 1980 Perrin bought le Château Lagrézette in the Cahors region, and continues to produce a wine by that name. Behind the development of the line Les Must de Cartier, he climbed the ladder to become president of Cartier International and Cartier S.A. in 1981, after having begun as sales rep in 1969 just 12 years before. In 2003 he stepped away from his role as CEO of Le Groupe Richemont, but remains Administrative Executive to 1200 stores. A passionate, combative man, Alain-Dominique Perrin is a globe-trotter not afraid to speak out. Luxe Magazine put its three usual questions on luxury to him...

What is your definition of luxury?

You cannot define luxury. The only thing I can say is that luxury has a relative value. It is by definition an individual notion, each to his own!

What is luxury to you then?

To spend a month and a half in the North Sea to get back to basics, without any form of sophistication.
To me, real luxury is freedom. Freedom of choice to do and say as I please, without compromise. I have always been outspoken.

Which luxury could you not live without?

A certain level of comfort, and art, which is a part of my life. I need to be surrounded by creativity, which is integral to me. Even though money hasn't spoiled me, I confess to being an inveterate consumer, and have a provocative side, which keeps me amused.

What is the epitome of luxury for you?
Octobre 2007