Fashion,Beauty & spa

Valöex Cosmetics: two birds with one stone!

It's a first twice over! The innovative Swiss company Valöex has created the first line of cosmetic products which is 100% mineral based, and which has been refined by handing over the products to groups of tester-bloggers, with the aim of improving textures and effects in the open marketplace. The project is both ambitious and risky. Bravo Valöex!

Cosmetics 2.0

While the majority of cosmetic brands struggle to eliminate negative comments on their products which proliferate on the internet since the launching of Web 2.0, other companies choose to act as pioneers, using this incredible resource to assist in the refinement of their wares. Their aim is obvious: to make their collection credible, whilst concealing nothing as to their methods. The Swiss brand Valöex appears to have won the bet with their products quickly becoming highly acclaimed. At the end of the day, this is a rare phenomenon of note!

In the beginning, there was stone...

Those who have passed through the region of Enhaut in Switzerland know this already: the stone there has two characteristics. It is both protective and impenetrable. With these unique qualities in mind, it would be a shame to be denied its benefits. Aware of the virtues of these (semi) precious stones, Valöex set out to extract the minerals and trace elements essential to the renewal of the cells of our skin.

Three possibilities

From hematite, full of iron oxide, best known for the rejuvenation of mature skins, to the magical malachite, a rich source of copper with its anti-oxidant qualities, not forgetting smithsonite, which gives us the purifier zinc to assist in the repair of mixed and oily skins, the choice on offer is complete. If you cast an eye over the blogs, you will note that the brand has already become well known thanks to the comments of the tester-bloggers, allowing Valöex to continue to improve the textures and the concentration of the active ingredients of its products. We will watch with interested eye...
Juillet 2008