
The English version of Luxe Magazine

In five years time, Luxe Magazine, the first internet site entirely dedicated to Luxury and Life Style, has grown considerably, thanks to the interest of our loyal readers and our team of highly motivated journalists always on the look out for the latest trends and information in the field of luxury. But the world changes, and so does the perception of luxury as well as your requirements and therefore Luxe Magazine adapts. In 2008, you discovered a new layout, clearer, easier to read and especially more dynamic. Today, more than ever, our objective is to make you dream, to spark your interest and offer you the latest news on products and trends, illustrated with lots of beautiful photos. Given the increase of international visitors on the site: over 50% of which 15% English-speaking, we decided to launch an English version of Luxe Magazine. In line with the philosophy of Luxe Magazine, providing objective quality information, our journalists will continue to share with you the latest news on luxury products and trends that will make you dream. Have a good reading. The chief Editor
Mars 2009