
Buenos Aires, a trendy city!

Buenos Aires the paradoxical, the passionate city, the city with European atmosphere, after several serious financial turbulences from 1998 to 2003, has regained its passion, its fury to live and its privileged place amongst the most fashionable cities of Latin America. Luxe Magazine sheds light on its attractiveness.

City with an amazing architecture

Stepping foot onto the soil of Argentina, the visitor is soon caught up in the thousands of different facets of Buenos Aires.
Located between the Rio de la Plata river, the largest in the world and the pampas, Buenos Aires, created in 1580, lays out its barrios (districts) in a rectilinear manner. Its streets, perfectly straight, like in New York, enable visitors to easily take a walk and that is very much appreciated!
Its amazing and varied architecture is illustrated throughout neighbourhoods which are proud of their cultural diversity marked by the successive arrival of immigrants throughout its history (Italian, French, Spanish …)
With three million inhabitants intra muros, it shows a patchwork of districts, each one very different than the other. The Recoleta, smart and aristocratic district, with « Haussmanian » buildings, the meeting place of intellectuals and the intelligentsia. Palermo, the district of designers, Puerto Madero, la Boca, the district of the tango… Some places look like Paris, London, or any other European city. The avenues are shaded by enormous Ombus, typical Pampastrees.

When arriving in Buenos Aires, the question of the choice of the hotel is raised. Palace or charming hotel ? Because in these two categories, the offer is diversified and rich.

Palacio Duhau, Park Hyatt

In the very chic district of Recoleta, on the Alvear Avenue, the DuhauPalace, Park Hyatt, has destabilized its hotel trade competitors.
An old 1934 residence, belonging to the Duhau family, an aristocratic Argentinean family, this former palace, designed by French architect Léon Dourge figures among the last symbols of the former Buenos Aires aristocracy.
So go ahead and enjoy a drink at the Oak Bar at the end of the day, or during tea time or have a drink at the garden-terrace, a real oasis in the middle of the city.

Architectural vestiges and art gallery

Dedicated to art, this hotel possesses a very rich collection of works and a private gallery which displays the works of contemporary artists such as Raul Farco, Herna Dompé Kirin, Guillaume Roux, with a very beautiful work of art hanging in the lobby, “ La Ronda” by Libero Badi.
Some architectural vestiges of the former era have been kept such as the CristalRoom, with its sculptured doors, its ceiling friezes and its columns that recall the Belle Epoque of Duhau. Its Oak Bar, the only cigar bar in the city, a real English club, with its oak woodwork brought from Normandy, that date back to 1600, make the detour worthwhile.
Avant-gardist but also a real sanctuary of elegance, the Palacio Duhau blends “glamour” luxury with contemporary style.
The interior architects Caparra-Entelman-Petrochi and Conte have realized an exceptional job, creating in front of the ancient palace with 23 rooms, a modern building connected thanks to a very beautiful garden and an espalier lined terrace. Very pleasant when the first sun rays start to shine.

A very special detail, in addition to its two restaurants - the Duhau and Gioia  Restaurants,  decorated with spectacular chandeliers by Ingo Mauer - the Park Hyatt has created the first cheese cave, a Cheese Room, in the same area as the Vinoteca ( Winery), proposing some forty Argentinean cheeses and a rich selection of 7000 bottles. Definitely, a good address for connoisseurs of fine wine and cheese.

Palermo Viejo or PalermoHollywood ?

In the very first minutes as we step onto Argentine soil, we cannot miss the excitement in the air as we become completely engrossed in this city. We will take a rest in this city, perhaps, but first a stop in the « Milongas », bars and temples dedicated to the tango. Because in Argentina, the tango is sacred, just like the waltz in Austria.
Next, head for Palermo, the former gangster district, so important to Borgès, that has become a trendy landmark renamed Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood, more residential. Just like a small Italian village, it aligns its ochre, pink, saffron facades, its shaded streets, its trendy bars, contemporary restaurants, design and fashion boutiques and charming hotels. A Latin nonchalance, an Italian atmosphere, a gentle way of life, and don’t be surprised if you start dreaming of settling down here.
While waiting, sit down at the terrace of a cafe, to enjoy the mild lifestyle while enjoying Freddo ice-creams, the best in the world or by trying empanadas (meat or cheese in puff pastry…).

Puerto Madero

The next day, head for
Puerto Madero.
Dying since 1930, the Puerto Madero warehouses, named after the architect that created them, are in the process of an accelerated revival with colours that can sometimes look a little bit flashy. The district was saved from demolition just in time.
Here we find the El Porteno complex, the ArtDistrict and the luxury Faena + Universe, created by P. Starck. A former grain silo, covered with red bricks, it has been transformed into a fashionable place and attracts young people from the area. A cabaret presents the famous Tango show.
It is surrounded by several ultra-modern towers that display a ‘city’ style.
A funny anecdote, this is the place where Onassis started to amass his fortune and his daughter Christina has always been passionate about this country.

All book connoisseurs must visit El Ateneo, Calla Santa Fe. Passionate about literature, Argentineans pride themselves for possessing the most beautiful library in the world. Surprisingly, it is located in a former Opera theatre and has kept its gildings, balconies and frescoes.
And then, it is time to go and ‘sniff’ the atmosphere of café Tortino, a famous establishment full of colour and loads of history, before visiting the Boca district at nightfall. At the end of the 19th century, this was the district of Italian immigrants, mainly from Genoa. It has kept its popular port atmosphere with dozens of warehouses, colourful facades and tango bars.

Then time to lose yourself in the arms of an Argentinean to the sounds of a catchy tango, an experience rich in emotions and tempo !

Décembre 2009

Park Hyatt Buenos Aires (165 chambres)
Avenida Alvear 1661
C1011AAD Buenos Aires
T : + 54 11 5171 1234