
The charm of an estancia, just outside Buenos Aires

The Villa Maria estancia, located 40 minutes from Buenos Aires, has gone through years of splendour and has delighted its guests in search of serene tranquillity. The « Portenos » as the inhabitants of Buenos Airesare called, do like their pampas and do not hesitate to enjoy a weekend getaway. Often, the whole family gets together for an asado (barbecue), the perfect excuse for a party, having fun and sharing. You will find all those ingredients at the Villa Maria estancia.

A charming, old-fashion residence

A majestic alley, eucalyptus giving way under the weight of branches and years gone by, a 600-hectare park that stretches on forever, including a stretch landscaped by Carlos Thays, and the Pampa, these vast green plains offering a velvet-like mantel where horses and cattle happily roam around.
At the end of the alley, there is a Norman-style manor house, the creation of a well-known Argentinean architect, Bustilla (Banque Nationale, Government House…) who took his inspiration for the construction of this residence from the Tudor spirit in Normandy.
A real country mansion, it has that old-fashion charm of those old residences where the patina has the remnants of another era. Here silence is golden and the sumptuous scenery of the Pampasand the park will overwhelm you. Behind this infinite unravelling of plains, here the horses seem to belong to another religion, that of freedom.

Precious furnishings and eclectic objects

We should not forget that in the past, Argentineans were known for their « estancias », rural farms where they used to cultivate the land and raise livestock.
In the 1980s, they started to transform estancias in charming residences offering full hotel service. 

The Villa Maria estancia is no exception to the rule. This rural palace, built in 1934, still belongs to a famous, old family of Argentina. It is a residence where life unrolls pleasantly, paced by days gone by and the devotion of its occupants.
With curiosity, we enter into this residence that reveals its country mansion atmosphere. Floorings, small-framed windows, galleries extended through terraces, a former chapel converted into a bar and nooks and corners. Poetry is everywhere, even behind deco, often familiar and good-natured.
In its salons and rooms, the Villa Maria houses an eclectic collection of precious objects and furnishings, the true memory of a grand era of the past.

Each of our bedrooms is impregnated with the nostalgia of the past and simple bathrooms overlooking the parks invite admiration for the beautiful scenery.

Enjoying life to the fullest, in tune with the different seasons

As for the green park planted with trees, we cross through it at a nonchalant pace, to the rhythm of our broken-winded horses, breathing with delight armfuls of flowers and rare fragrances whose scent ‘teases’ the warm breezes. The landscape unfolds under our feet with a grassy expanse and majestic trees with a European allure. A walk not to be missed.

Then it the perfect time to relax in our cocoon room or in a corner of the living room, near the fireplace, with a glass of whiskey or a dose of Porto.

At dinnertime, in a pretty room with dimmed lights, embellished with a coffered ceiling, an ingenious cuisine satisfies our gourmet cravings made for special evenings, where time is of no essence, and our taste buds delight in local specialities.
The motto of this place, in addition to gourmet dining, is simple. Let yourself be rocked and swayed to the rhythm of hours and days that go by at a slow pace, far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life.

This domain not only reflects a certain decor but the state of a poetic spirit in perpetual motion, where feelings and memories emerge.

Décembre 2012

Estancia Villa Maria
AV Peredas/n Ezeiza (1812)
Buenos Aires
T : + (5411) 6091 2064