
High Tech Buzz

Customize your living-room with one of the new Panasonic Blu-Ray players, be at the forefront of fashion with the latest Samsung Smartphone and its curved screen, dive underwater with the Olympus all-terrain camera: Being both geek and elegant is possible! Here is a small High-Tech selection by Luxe-Magazine.

A new range of Blu-Ray players by Panasonic

The DMP-BDT170 player

Panasonic strikes hard and discloses a new range of Blu-Ray players made of 5 new models: DMP-BDT370, DMP-BDT270, DMP-BDT170, DMP-BDT165 and DMP-BD83. Closer look to the features, you will enjoy an outstanding sound and image quality, turning your living room into a last generation home cinema. We owe this progress to the 4K conversion option sublimating each image, movies as slide-show. Even better, players can merge with smartphones, tablets and computers displaying its content thanks to the DNLA network. In short, an investment not to miss! 

Price: From 79 to 149 euros depending on the player (more info on the website at the bottom)

A nice helmet in walnut wood made by Denon

Forthe greatest delightof music loversbut alsoaesthetes,Denonreveals its newhelmet," Circum-AuralAH-MM400 " featuring a superior sound quality (distortionofthe lowestsound)anda veryelegant design.In addition to its walnuthandcrafted mobile casingat the height of fashion, it provides a passivesound insulationagainst ambient noiseso that everyone canenjoy itsmusical breakswithout being disturbed.Icing on the cake:the headphonescan be foldedquickly and easilyfor easy storageA " must-have ".

Price: 399 euros

The new "It Phone " by Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Two of the most expected smartphones of the year are now available since last 10th April. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge made everything to compete with their main rival, the Iphone 6. Made of metal and clad glass, they are the living proof of the South Korean manufacturer quality upgrading. It doesn't hesitate in equipping one of them (S6 Edge) with a curved screen for a panoramic vision and a better image quality. Both also feature a 16-megapixel camera (best image quality on a smartphone) and enjoy a high-speed charging time estimated at 10 minutes for 4 hours of use... So, does this bet will pay off? The 2015 second quarter will tell us!

Price without subscription: 709 eurosfor the S6 and 859 euros for the S6 Edge

The all-terrain Camera by Olympus

Gifted with a high-strength body, thenewcomerOlympuscalled " Stylus ToughTG-4 ", isan all-terrain cameraof choice !Waterproof to15 meters deep(a joyfor divers), resistant totemperatures up to-10 degrees, supporting up to100kilos ofpressure anddust resistant, the leastwe can sayis that extremes conditions do not frightenit! On the technical aspect, the user can enjoy a16-megapixelCMOS sensor,4Xoptical zoom,a 3 inchLCDscreen,28scenes modes,anability to shootFull HDand aninterval timer.A must for everyself-respectingadventurer!

Price: 399 euros

Discover the Lomo'Instant Boston edition pack!

Blue, white andred, the newLomo'Instantpaysabsolutelynotribute to Francebutto the city ofBoston.Created thanks to thecrowdfundingplatform"Kickstarter", this cameralets you takesnapshots.Coming with apack, it includesa camerawith a27mmwide angle lens,afisheye lensto makecircularpictures,a portraitlens and aclose-up lens.Also new:the presence of 4colored filtersto be placed onthe flashto play onshadesand a" Splitzer ":a gadgetto fix on the camerato cut outphotos andcompose multiple exposureswhenshooting. No worries, an instruction manual withvarioustips is also providedin thepack!

Price: 159 euros
Juin 2015
By La rédaction